Mindset and Branding. In this classroom blog, Miss Digital Media interviews Faye, from Faye Cox Coaching on the topics of Mindset and Branding.
In the process of starting and developing a business our personal mindset plays a big part in the progress we make. It also impacts our communication, marketing, and branding. Although subtle, we may unintentionally project the wrong message about ourselves and our business.
I interviewed Mindset Coach, Faye Cox about how our mindset affects our business development and branding.
What can we do to identify our limiting thoughts and reframe them?
Limiting thoughts tend to come from our childhood. We take on our family beliefs from an early age, but as adults and business owners most of these beliefs no longer serve us.
We can identify them when thoughts arise that we feel might be holding us back e.g. Money doesn’t grow on trees etc. This is typical of someone who has limiting beliefs around how much money they deserve to make in their business.
WE can re-frame them by finding more positive statements to better support us, such as I AM open to receiving money into my life and business. Repeat this over and over each and every day until it becomes the norm.
This will re-wire your mind into thinking positively around money rather than negatively. The brain loves repetition and that’s how you developed the limiting belief in the first place!
What can we do to combat imposter syndrome?
All too often, we spend far too much time comparing ourselves to others. This is not only a complete waste of our time, but it also holds us back from creating the success we truly deserve.
To combat Imposter Syndrome I get my clients to first write out their professional profile to include everything they do, how they do it, what makes them different and the style in which they deliver their services.
I ask them to put it somewhere that they can see it every day. This helps them remind themselves that they are good enough, they are experienced enough and they are qualified enough.
This is a great daily confidence boost too! I then get clients to list everything they’ve achieved in their life & business so far and again, put it somewhere they can see it.
Lastly, I get them to catch the language that they use when talking about themselves. We re-frame their self-talk from the negative to the positive. What you tell yourself matters and you need to be kinder to yourself.
Everyone is unique and the more you realise your own strengths, the less you feel the need to compare to others.
How do you think our mindset affects, our business development and branding?
If you don’t do the work on your mindset then the business is going to be an uphill struggle, no matter how much skill and business knowledge you have. A mindset for success is fundamental to your business.
Your mindset will also affect your branding hugely. You need to know who you really are so that you can create the right branding that fits who you are and what you’re about as a business owner.
This shines through then to your potential clients who will be attracted to you and your business as a result.
How can we clarify our own mission and purpose in our businesses?
In order to clarify your mission and purpose, you first need to find out who you really are! This is number one in everything when looking at your business.
You have to be in alignment with your values, mission, and vision. Look at your strengths and work out exactly what it is that you want to put out into the world.
What positive actions would you recommend to business owners to improve their mindset and increase the visibility of their brand?
Firstly, take a step back and work out your personal values, the ones that you hold true today and let go of the ones that have been given to you, that no longer serve you as a person or business owner.
Let go of any old habits that are holding you back and create more powerful ones. Welcome your failures and see them as learning so you can grow. Create a rock-solid routine and get out of your own way.
In terms of visibility, if you’re not visible your clients can’t find you and you’re working your butt off every day. Staying small isn’t going to work for you here.
Hiding in the shadows is no good for anyone and copying someone else and thinking you ‘Should’ be doing everything that others are doing isn’t going to help either.
Allowing yourself to be 100% you, is by far the easiest and best way to attract clients into your business. Trust your own intuition!
How can you help business owners, and how can they contact you for help?
Most people come to me because they want to make a positive change in their life. They want to feel more motivated, they want to escape their bad habits and they want to be more confident within themselves.
My coaching style is no-nonsense, straight-talking, and gets to the core issue. I believe that in order to gain clarity and move forward you need to go deeper and release the fears and limiting beliefs that are holding you back.
I work with a range of female business owners world-wide. Using my Coaching, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy knowledge, and NLP skills and experience.
I support these women to gain the necessary clarity to help them achieve what they truly want in their life and business.
I coach both individuals and groups who want to create a successful life and business without having to sacrifice their family and friends, and those looking for more time and self-belief.
You can find me hanging out in my FB group ‘The Positivity Hub’ or you can contact me at faye@fayecoxcoaching.co.uk. I also have a FREE download which you can grab here!
Miss Digital Media would like to thank Faye for sharing her tips and advice on mindset, branding, and visibility.
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