I am a Digital Woman: Join the Digital Women Membership and get access to training, networking, skills sessions and much more.
Sign up Now!
I am a Digital Woman I love that statement and what it means to me and many other digital women!
It means…
- I am a connected woman
- I have digital skills
- I have many opportunities to learn
- I have many opportunities to grow
- I have many opportunities to share
- I have many opportunities to develop and promote my business
Digital Women is a membership organisation focused on the empowerment, growth and success of women in business and digital.
Digital Women began as an event and Facebook community with the mission of empowering as many women through digital skill sharing as possible. Since being founded in March 2019, the community has grown very quickly, reaching far and wide across social media to support thousands of women.
Being part of the Digital Women Community has provided me with so much value, I feel supported and encouraged by the organisation and its members, it provides endless learning, development, training, workshops, and support.
I have personally found the Facebook group a very supportive and valuabe community, it is full of talented people with a diverse range of expertise. If I have a question I know that someone in the community will have the answer. Join the Digital Woman Facebook community.
Digital Women gave me the opportunity to be a guest speaker at the Digital Women Summit, and to take part in lots of high profile events.
I’ve had the chance to collaborate and network with hundreds of women and I’ve met some truly talented and inspirational people by getting involved!
It makes me feel tingly when I think about all the exciting things that Digital Women has to offer!
I was particularly excited to hear the announcement about the Digital Women Awards, so I decided to enter! Fingers crossed that my application will be accepted! Find out more about the Digital Women Awards.
Be part of this amazing global community of women in business and digital. Gain the support, skills, and inspiration you need to grow and develop. The Digital Women Membership provides access to more than 90 digital skills training sessions, online training, networking, downloads and resources, and a huge community of incredible women!
If you would like to join the Digital Women membership Sign up here
Thank you Digital Women you are awesome!
Big love
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If you need help with branding, blogging, websites, or self-publishing please get in touch – I’m here to help!
Call 07900002530 or email beckie@missdigitalmedia.co.uk
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