Testimonial – Lisa Gillbe Email Marketing and Graphic Design.
Lisa Gillbe, a Personal Stylist needed graphics, sales, and landing pages, plus an automated email sequence to promote and launch her free webinars and paid online courses.

Lisa Gilbe Graphics Lisa Gilbe Graphics Lisa Gilbe Graphics Lisa Gilbe Graphics Lisa Gilbe Sales Page Lisa Gilbe Sales Page Lisa Gilbe Sales Page Lisa Gilbe Sales Page Lisa Gilbe Sales Page Lisa Gillbe
Instagram Story PictureLisa Gillbe
Instagram Story PictureLisa Gillbe
Instagram Story Picture

Client Testimonial
What services did Beckie provide for you?
Beckie designed and created my first sales funnel which included, landing and sales page and an email sequence. Beckie developed the layout, style and graphic design for the sales and landing pages and managed the whole process of setting up the sales funnel, creating the landing pages for lead magnets to build up my email list.
Why did you need that service?
I’d been working 1:1 with my clients for 10 years until Covid hit and pulled the rug away from my in-person services. I had to act fast and decided to take all my expertise online. I really didn’t know what I was doing until I started working with Beckie.
What gave you the confidence to invest in working with Beckie?
Beckie was recommended to me by my VA.
How did you find working with Beckie?
Beckie helped me to understand the crucial element of building a functional sales page and funnel and how build out my email list, style and graphic design the landing pages and manage the whole process. In effect she built my first pipeline and there’s no way I’d have been able to do that by myself.
What difference has working with Beckie made to you and your business?
Beckie helped me to create an email marketing campaign and email sequence for the launch my newly created digital course really early in my online business journey.
I’m a stylist and that’s my expertise! I needed an expert like Beckie to take my business online. That stuff blows my mind plus I just don’t have time to do it.
I think what really stood out for me is that Beckie’s designs were spot on for my target client. She got me too and managed to create graphics on the sales pages that conveyed the message I was trying to get across with style and humour. Overall, she creates engaging-looking content and it’s important to stand out amongst all the noise!
Would you recommend Beckie to others?
I would recommend Beckie, she is very patient and very professional. Thanks Beckie!
Want to know more?
Take a look through my portfolio for inspiration, check out my offers or if you would like Beckie to design your logo and branding, please get in touch.

| Branding | Books & Ebooks | Graphic Design | Online Marketing| Training |